Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dealing with the Here and Now!

Happy Thanksgiving! My two daughters are supposed to be here for Thanksgiving. I was so looking forward to it. Time together, no expectations other than time spent together. My oldest daughter got in on time and though I have had to work she has caught up on sleep and getting better since she is run down. My other daughter was supposed to come down this morning but missed her flight. So instead of a whole day spent together eating and hanging with friends, she won't be getting in until 10 tonight. A whole day lost of not spending time together. She was distraught, I am sad and it is what it is! My daughters missed a day of being together, we all did.
Life is like that more often than not. It is amazing how many things don't work out. I can count so many times where the thing desired for most of the time just did not happen. The longer I live the more I understand that most of life comes out of disappointment not of dreams fulfilled. So what do I do with this? I have noticed it takes a lot of hope and energy to desire after so many disappointments. Lately, after some pretty horrific disappointments I am having the hardest time desiring and having hope. "Hope deferred makes the heart grow faint" the good book says. How true! How very true! Now with the holidays here, there are things we all hope for, family and friends to get along, or even better, get along great! Gifts to get and receive that we truly hope will at least give some satisfaction! In other words GREAT MEMORIES MADE!
I love Romans 15:13, I come back to it time and time again in moments like these when my hope is low and my desire is hard to find.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

There is so much to glean from in this verse, and all of it requires my trust and dependence on God. He provides joy, peace and hope and it comes in overflow, not just enough but more than enough. I find that when my trust and dependence on Him is low so is my joy, peace and hope. In this season may you and I find that no matter what our desires and hopes that we find them through God and not through anything else.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So very true. Our desires are often too far from our heart and our love of God. I have had to deal with some very difficult moments in my life and I must say that only now that I have learned to trust God and have hope is when I can have peace and see the things that really matter. Thanks for putting such beautiful thoughts in our hearts.