Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Less Information More Transformation

In studying the great revolutions of our country one such revolution was the industrial revolution where we went from manual everything to mechanization, it changed so much of how we do what we do and allowed for mass production. We now live in the information revolution and it amazes me what we have access to in just seconds. Okay, I am not old but even in my adult lifespan so much has changed how I do life and my job. For instance in high school there were typing classes where we typed on real typewriters. In college we actually had to use the dewey decimal system because you had to go to a library and grab a stack of books to research and pull out quotes and read the book in order to write a paper or make a speech. Then the green screen computers came out and we used MS Dos and we had those templates that went over our keyboards so we could know all the things our computers could do if we pushed certain keys with other keys. Amazing! Now, with wikipedia and google life is so much faster and easier. But....when it comes to spiritual things reading and information do not altogether mean change and transformation. Knowledge and understanding do not automatically produce morphing.
I am even more passionate that true transformation comes one person at a time, over time and that through test and trial we learn all about the kind of character, strength and perserverance we have. There are no shortcuts to transformation. In this Information Revolution seekers and believers alike still want the answer to this question "does it work?"

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