Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Take Heart

In John 16 Jesus is giving the news to His followers that His time with them is coming to a close. They don't understand it, Jesus makes it clear and then gives them some promises about life after the one they know. Then He says them in verse 33;

"I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the (troubles of this) world. italics mine!

Yesterday I got the news that due to budget constrains myself and 22 other people were going to be layed off at the church I serve at. In this world you will have trouble! I sat there in shock and disbelief, but only for a moment. I am in touch with my emotions to be sure, but the reality of God's promises to me and His faithfulness brought me almost immediately out of my shock. I was facing trouble, but Jesus has overcome everything! That's the truth.
In James 1 it says "Consider pure joy when (Not if) you face various trials BECAUSE you know (are convinced) that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish it's work so that you may be mature/whole, complete, not lacking anything."
This has to be one of my favorite scriptures because it explains the point of hard times, and even better it reminds me to embrace trials because my true desire is to be whole/mature and complete not lacking in anything. James says that the only way to get there is through various trials. NO SHORTCUTS!
Just a couple minutes ago I read my oldest daughters blog (thanks sweet Britt), she has faced many a trial in her almost 21 years. She is a deep feeler and that means she has mercy gifts like few I know. As her Dad, all I wanted to do was drive up to N.E. Georgia at her college and hug on her, love on her and be there with her. I can't, but God is and does! she knows that deep in her heart and I pray she is convinced of that right now in this moment and the ones to come! I write all of this to remind us that hard times and suffering will come, they are promised not out of some sadistic manefesto by God but as an opportunity for us to become whole and complete not lacking in anything. I close with this incredible verse from Proverbs 4:23 "Above everything else, guard your heart, it is the well-spring of life." We are assualted all of the time, the enemies of satan, the world and our own flesh attack us, so we must protect the most important thing, our heart, our good and valuable heart! Jesus said that the thief comes to "rob, kill and destroy, but I have come that you may have life to the full/abundant/overflow." In the midst of our sufferings and trials remember that Jesus has overcome and that we can be joyful in the midst of them because of what it will produce in our lives.

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