Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Big taste of Humble Pie!

Today at my Optical job I got jolted. I think God wanted to show me that I need to have a much more merciful and compassionate heart. Sometimes I need to get a refresher course in humility. The very first patient was actually a homeless man. His odor evident within 25 feet. I found out later he hadn't showered in 3 weeks. He had just been released from jail after having been shot in a fight. He walked in without shoes, carrying them instead in his hands with another change of clothes, and clearly had been in a bad place in his life. I won't speak for anyone else at our store but it was repulsive. I was concerned that other patients once they came in would walk out. The guy had insurance so he was eligible to receive glasses. I asked him to put his shoes on, he went to the Dr.'s office to fill out paper work and the Dr.'s tech ran him through a series of pre-exam tests. Once he came from his exam and I saw that he had an RX, I went to him to wait on him. I had him sit down and saw that he had no co-pay so a free pair was coming his way. His skin was worn, chaffing and his smell only worse the closer I got to him. He had a terrible wheezing cough and to safeguard myself from potential sickness I asked him about it. He told me he had emphysema and some other type of cancer. In other words, he wasn't just sick, the man was dying. I found him a frame, filled his RX, gave him his receipts and since he had no phone in which to contact him, I told him to come back in a week.
I cleaned all the instruments I had to use to fill his Rx and washed my hands completely. Then I wept inside and asked God to wash my own heart clean. Jesus died for him as much as He did me! Later today, a proudly homosexual teen came in to order glasses. I don't know what his situation, but Jesus loves him as He does me and my homeless patient, and as much as the College Professor I waited on and as much as the elderly couple. I needed to swallow a big helping of humble pie today. I choked down my pride and self-righteousness, I am no better than any of these and as the Apostle Paul said of himself "the chief of all sinners". I just know this. No matter my financial situation, my educational achievements, the people I know, the places I've lived and traveled, the car I drive or the talents I possess, I need God's love and grace every second of every minute of every day! Thanks God for the humble pie, may I be different for this helping!


DonnaC said...

GODS GRACE is available 24/7! We are so blessed to have such a mighty, powerful, all loving God who loves each and everyone of us just as we are! God promises Grace, he is so full of it!
We love you JESUS!
Donna :)

Lord, no many how many days you give me on this earth, help me not to take one single day for granit.I am so thankful out of your boundless GRACE, you have given me another day to live.All out of my deepest gratitude, I will "delight in every wonderful hour of today, praising and glorifying you in all I do! Amen
Romans 5:20 Ezekial 36:26-27
2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Anonymous said...

hey paps-guess what-i made a blog too! thomas did as well. so look me up and i made one today. love you! btw i know how you feel, it's so hard with the homeless people i'm with friday nights. I never know what to say to them or how to react when they're so drunk they spit all over my face for an hour and one guy even tried to grope me. But it's all for Christ, right? and I do feel compassion for them, I can't imagine living like they do, and how easy it would be for me to be in the same spot. it always scares me and amazes me how easily I could be in their shoes. But they are the rejected of society, the exact group Jesus targeted and had compassion on and healed through countless miracles. I love you paps.