Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Pull of Gravity

As you and I begin a new year, hope comes with it. Desires and prayers, dreams and hopes, but if you have lived long enough you know they can be short lived and then we just live/exist/fit in... Why is that? I have a theory, it's called gravity, yeah gravity, you know the stuff that holds us here so we don't float away, it's the stuff that holds us down. People can only get so far up without being brought back down. Some can jump higher than others (Michael Jordan, David Thompson) and if we use a trampoline it helps and is fun, or if we are lucky enough to get in an airplane we make it to 30,000 feet but it brings us back down as well.
Our lives are much like this aren't they? Our generational curses can hold us down, the limitations others may place on us, the ones we place on ourselves and then there is the enemy who does not want us to become all that God desires for us.

"The thief comes only to rob, kill and destroy, but I have come that you may have life to overflow." John 10:10.

As we face a new year and try and put together plans to break away from our past so we can have a better future, let's remember that we cannot do it ourselves. It is impossible. The author Gerald May (highly reccomend) says we cannot arrange for the life we treasure. But we sure try! Goals, resolutions etc. but for most of us trying to break away from personal gravity is so hard, it takes so much effort to break away. How do we do it then if we cannot do it on our own?

The Apostle Paul "One thing I do, I forget the past and look forward to what lies ahead. For I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength to do it" Phillipians 4.

Gravity will prevent some things, but with God nothing is impossible. My prayer and hope for 2009 is that the things that hold us down from being all that God desires for us will be destroyed. You and I cannot arrange for it, but we have a God who is stronger and limitless. Oh to have the kind of faith that God is pleased with, "for without faith it is impossible to please God" Hebrews 11. Instead of getting in line with everyone else and getting lost in the drone, take some time right now (I mean it!) and ask yourself what is it you really want to break away from, have victory over, do differently? Take it to God and like the persistent widow, wear God out on this. Make specific plans to be sure, seek out others who are excellent at this or have overcome it and learn from them. Read a book on it by all means! If it's from Him, about Him and pleases Him, be persistent, test Him on this and pull away from those things that have hindered you in the past!!! God bless you indeed!

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