Sunday, December 28, 2008

Your Life Long Counsel

Quiz - Can you name 3-5 people who fit the following criteria -
A). The KNOW you best.
B). The LOVE you most.
C). They are willing to speak the truth in love to you.

How did you do? The Bible speaks about having these kind of people in our lives. "Wise people seek the counsel of many" Proverbs says. It is where we get the saying "Two heads are better than one". We all have decisions to make that are pretty impactful and dealing with the pressure and knowing how to make the right decision can be alot to handle. So why not do the Biblically correct and entirely helpful thing and design a life counsel. I have several people I can call in a moment's notice who if I asked, would pray and get back to me once I shared the necessary information needed so I can make a great and Godly decision. I can say that each of these people has spoken the truth in love to me. It is a great person who can do this. We don't need "yes" only people, we need iron sharperners and truth bearers. One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 27:17
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" I KNOW I am not wise enough, so I ask for wise counsel. I KNOW I don't have all the right perspectives on most situations, so I ask for perspective. I KNOW that prayer is essential and having others pray for me is VITAL... I KNOW that allowing others into my life who love me enough to give perspective and Godly wisdom with truth no matter the consequences is a gift beyond measure. They sharpen me which at times mean sparks will fly and pressure will be applied if I am to be shaped into all God desires in me, for me and through me. One time I did not heed their advice, fear and listening to the wrong voices brought about a terrible fate. One I would do over in a less than a heartbeat. I can't un-do it, oh how I wished I could, but I have learned from it, they have forgiven me and I have done the best I can to move on after much healing and counsel and time!
Write out those names, pray and then start communicating with them and ask them to consider being a member of your LIFE COUNSEL and watch how God uses them!

1 comment:

Tommyc said...

Kevin- thanks. that was my verse the few years that I wrestled...prov 27:17 you're a blessing