Thursday, January 15, 2009

G.P.S. and you!

My best friend just got a GPS, (Global Positioning System) that helps do everything but drive her car. She has found this tool to be both fascinating (you can find every eatery anywhere, where gas stations are with-in feet of present location, even where construction is); and hilarious (she can program different languages and male/female voices). She has decided on "Samantha" as her current voice director and they are now buddies! Samantha tells her where to go, when to turn and if she misses her turn, Samantha re-calibrates in order for my friend to still get to her destination.

You know where I am going with this don't you?

Yep, wouldn't be great if God were that involved with every detail of our lives so we would always reach our destination without getting lost along the way? Though my friend trusts in Samantha big time to get her where she is intending to go, Samantha is not fool proof, my friend still has default tools like a real map, her own eyes and of course the humility tool called "asking for directions". God is perfect and so are His ways, we get to trust God, we must choose Him in everything. Sometimes His ways are so clear (thou shall not murder, not lie, do encourage each other and build one another up...) but there are those times where not heeding His directions could be fatal, life long damaging and so on.

But we do have an internal GPS, I call it "God's Powerful Spirit" (a little tacky I know) the Holy Spirit lives in believers. He has many roles to fill, He directs, convicts, leads, indwells, brings glory to Jesus, He comforts, counsels, empowers, and allows us to do more than we can ask or imagine.
The important part here is; are we "tuned in" or un-able to hear Him at all, or worse, do we ignore Him when He directs?

I want to hear from you! Let's swap Holy Spirit stories of experiences you have had when you were truly guided by God's Powerful Spirit or when you didn't and the lessons you have learned! He is our internal GPS!!!

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