Sunday, December 21, 2008

How to Keep your Accounts Overflowing

A special Happy 21st Birthday cheer to my daughter Brittany! I love you so much and am so proud of you!

In these days of economic insecurity nearly all of us are watching more than ever where our accounts stand by checking daily on-line. This is a good thing. We do this to make sure there is enough to pay the bills, invest and have in case of emergency's.

If we are un-wise we can loose it all. In a heartbeat! I would like to move onto different accounts. Our emotional, physical and spiritual accounts. I heard a friend speak at a retreat say something both profound and impactful.

"You have as many friends in your life as you want, you have as much money in your life as you want, you have as much knowledge and strength in your life as your want, you have as much peace and God in your life as you want, and you have as much love in your life as you want."
Wow! I had to think about that long and hard and at first I rebelled inwardly about those statements and as the speaker went on and explained himself it did make sense. We have choices all of the time, and based on our choices we do have as much or as little of anything we want. Of course there are some exceptions...

So I keep close eye on these accounts and tend to them meticulously. Here's how;

I know the people and activities in my life that either make a deposit or withdrawl. As I am watching my accounts, if I see one or more running low, then I schedule time either with those people who are deposit people or by doing activities that do. I am not suppose to completely avoid the people and activities that are withdrawls but I make sure my accounts are full before I do. I do not enjoy paying my bill and balancing my check book, so before I do them or after I reward myself with spendig time being with or doing deposit things. The same is true with certain people. I may have a tough confrontation or leadership conversation to have and I am pretty sure it will end up being a withdrawl, I make sure my account is high first and after. I take time to know my schedule ahead of time and then assess my accounts to make sure I insert things into my life that are desposits because I am equally aware of the withdrawls coming up too.

Hope this makes sense. Here's my challenge.

1. Make a list of the deposit people in your life.
2. Make a list of the deposit activities in your life.
3. Make a list of the withdrawl people in your life.
4. Make a list of the withdrawl activities in your life.
5. Take daily, weekly, monthly and longer looks if you can (seasons) when you know you are going to need deposits because of the withdrawls.

You will find your life will become more joyful and more productive, your soul more at peace and what you give to others of youself will be so much better as well!

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