Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Not Fair!

Okay it's confession time. (gulp) I struggle with fairness issues, more specifically, un-fairness issues. Unfortunately its due to self-righteousness and that's not good. Here are some examples of my struggle.

a. I am on a busy and backed up section of highway and up ahead is an exit lane on the right that people are supposed to use for exiting but some rather inpatient people use it to pass as many cars as possible and then at the last minute they jump back onto the highway having passed a whole bunch of cars (mine included).

b. A referee/umpire makes an obviously bad call that ends up effecting the outcome of a game or contest and the team/individual who should have won, loses. Do nice guys finish last?

Thankfully I am so glad that God is not into fairness!  Psalm 103:10 says "He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities." In Matthew 20:1-16 Jesus tells the parable of the landowner who hires workers to bring in the harvest, but because he is desperate to get the crops in he ends up paying them all the same no matter what time of the day he hired them.  I used to say "that's not fair" and of course that's the point of the parable.  Thank God that He is not fair because none of use deserves His grace, forgiveness and freedom, Instead "God demonstrated His love by sending His only Son to take our place while we were sinners and enemies of His." Romans 5:8.

  Life is NOT fair and there are injustices that do need a voice and action and we should do our best not allow them, but  let's also remember that there is this incredibly great gift that God offers to all of us that isn't fair and it is the craziest demonstration of love ever! None of us deserve what God makes available, but God offers it anyway!! Not fair - praise God!

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