Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Strategic Spiritual Growth

In reading the "Great Commission" found in Matthew 28:19-20 we know that we are to go and make disciples, baptize them and teach them to obey everything Jesus commanded. It's called discipleship, There are so many ideas on how to teach others everything that Jesus commanded. Pastors preach from pulpits, blog, write books and we've used Sunday School classes, classes and Life Groups. Jesus took 12 guys and for 3 years He prepared them for world and made history changers out of them! If this was Jesus method, why should we do anything differently?

Here is a simple plan -

1. Do you know everything that Jesus commanded? Get to know it, read the Gospels!
2. Do you know another follower of Jesus? Ask them if they know everything Jesus commanded. If they do then move on, but challenge them to grow up a new follower.
3. Do you know someone who has recently chosen to follow Christ? Then schedule time with them for a year to go through the Gospels so that they can know everything Jesus commanded. Then move onto another one person the very next year.

It's been said that if a gifted evangelist could lead 1,000 people a night across the line of faith it would take 10,000 years to win the world to Christ, but if one true disciple were to take one new convert and spend just one year and teach them all that Jesus commanded and than have that person do the same the next year and you move onto someone new the next year, it would only take 32 years for the world to be won to Christ; David Watson "Called and Committed". Now that is exponential!
Search your heart and get strategic about truly helping others to grow up in the Word of God and become an agent of transformation, when you do this your life will be marked by incredible and eternal purpose and it will be a life worth living!


Linda Dukes said...

Love this Kevin...so happy to hear you singing His song (and ours!) God Bless you and your bride!

Sea Edwards said...

Thanks for your leadership Kevin! Having you teach the Word at CF Singles was a huge contribution to my walk.....