Monday, November 7, 2011


Back in college I had this friend Bruce, I had never met anyone like him, he was his own man in so many ways. This was back in the late 70's and Bruce and I couldn't have been more different, which was cool. He was a singer, artistic, a craftsman, passionate and a bit of a rebel. I was a jock, insecure and not good at the things he was. He introduced me to Mocha when virtually no one had even heard of it yet. We loved antiques and would turn old pieces of junk into someone else's treasure. We have gone our separate ways, each of us having moved several times across the country, raising children, and struggled through many things personally.

One of the things Bruce shared with me back in college was this word Orphae. What is Orphae you might ask. It is this feeling, a euphoria if you will that can happen anytime. You know it when you are experiencing it, like yesterday. My wife Karyn and I were taking a walk in a State Park, the place was practically empty except for a couple guys out fishing on the lake and some guy taking photo's of a fashion girl with high heels, a bright yellow dress and as out of place as you can imagine. Anyway, Karyn and I were walking with the loud sound of leaves crunching beneath our feet and geese making their honking sounds, Fall colors were still bursting, a slight breeze would refresh us and then all of a sudden this incredible aroma. It was sensory overload!! We couldn't quite make the smell out, was it clove? We didn't know but it was amazing and we could find it only in this one area. As we walked, sometimes talked, held hands, sat in the sun, took pictures or identified trees, we marveled at God's creation and just knew we were experiencing Orphae.

It isn't quite explainable, it could be watching someone experiencing joy, a taste of a dessert or special meal, it could be music that moves you or words on a page. Whatever it is, you can't create it nor hang onto it. I hope you have, or get to experience it!! Maybe you even have a different name for it. What a cool thing after all of these years to remember my friend Bruce tell me about Orphae, I kept a journal of Orphae experiences for a long time. I will post a picture of a recent time I experienced it, but it may not help you because you weren't there at the time. Orphae is a wonderful thing. Thanks Bruce!

1 comment:

Karyn Conklin said...

Ahhhhh Orphae..... So much of it we have experienced together, but as friends. And now to experience God's creation with you as my husband! What a gift....and truly orphae!