Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mary and Martha

There is this unique and very short story found in Luke 11:38-42 of Jesus in the home of Martha and her sister Mary, that's a pretty big deal, having Jesus and his disciples visit in your home. But notice the completely different responses of these two sisters. Martha gets all worked up and starts preparing food while Mary chooses instead to sit and listen to Jesus as he speaks. This becomes pretty irritating to Martha and it's not long before she gets resentful enough to speak pretty boldly to Jesus about it. Talk about awkward! How would you feel if you were Mary? How would you feel if you were Martha? How would you feel if you were Jesus?
What happens next is amazing. Jesus calls Martha out, "You are worried and upset about MANY THINGS" in other words, this is how you live Martha! You can't sit still, be quiet, or chill, Martha was most likely a control freak or a Type A personality, at the very least she was a doer. You know the type, you may even be one, the kind that says there is always something to do and someone has to do it so it might as well be me. Jesus says that Mary is doing the most right thing. Psalm 46:10 says "be still and know that I am God..." Being still seems so un-productive and ....lazy! But is it? Jesus says that Mary chose the better option, the only right option. Many people read this and try and heed this but then have no clue how to do this. Seriously, it amazes me that most people cannot shut off their minds for any significant time. Prayer is not just talking but also about listening, many people try to sit in silence and than go crazy. I have done some silent retreats before and I come away from those so full of peace and serenity and slowed down. I have scheduled time away from phones, computers and people and though it takes me awhile to "dial down", when it's time to go back to the "noise" I wish I didn't have to.
Here is my challenge for each of us...be still, worship Jesus, listen for Him, be quiet. According to Him it's the most right choice from time to time. We are commanded to proclaim God to others and serve Him by serving others, be lights shining in the darkness but just as Jesus took time to pray and be alone (see Mark 1:35) so must we. If we do not practice the presence of God in our lives we will end up becoming resentful, busy and lacking peace. Do a quick inventory of your life right now, are you resentful over something or someone? Look at your calendar, is it filled (maybe even with necessary items) but God has been crowded out? Which is the most common theme of your heart - peace or chaos? This short story shows us a very important lesson, be still and take time to sit at Jesus' feet to listen and worship, it's the most right thing!!! Remember we are called human beings, not human doings!

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