Saturday, November 12, 2011

What if Your Life Ended Up in the Bible?

One of the thoughts I've had for a couple years but never put down in writing is this; those who ended up being in the Bible never knew they would be. We know that most messed up, and some triumphed, but God chose to use their lives to influence ours and millions of others over the years since they were recorded. Now I know that nothing can be added to or taken away from the scriptures, I am not suggesting this at all. But go along with me for a minute.

What if some parts of your life, okay like the really hard parts, the testing of your faith parts ended up being recorded? What would be written about you? Would it inspire people? Would your thoughts, actions, attitudes and words cause others to follow God, follow God more closely, or even choose God because of your life? There is a lot that can be said here, but for the sake of one of my shortest blogs ever....

Let's you and I live our lives as if everything about us, good, bad and in between were going to end up being read by millions for years and years to come. One prayer I pray most days goes like this,

"Lord, may everything I say, think or do, bring honor and glory to You."

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