Saturday, October 1, 2011

Waiting on God is Always Worth it!

I've been married all of 12 days, and it's been nothing but fulfilling and more than Karyn and I thought it could be. I know, your'e out there in cyber world saying, "wait, it's just the honeymoon phase, then you'll see." I DOUBT IT! We didn't really even get a honeymoon, in fact just the opposite. We packed and loaded a moving truck by ourselves just a day and a half after we got married, we quickly said goodbye to warm weather and the beach, drove to Charlotte in separate vehicles, we un-loaded the truck (can you say fatigue?), Karyn un-packed everything she had packed so carefully and has been setting up our home while I worked. Doesn't sound like a honeymoon does it? Well think again, because even in the midst of that we just stare at each other like a couple 16 year old's and hug each other all of the time and thank God that this is what He had in mind while we walked in obedience on His timing.
We are realistic and know that our personal and professional lives will be tested, our health and of those we love will change, but that's what makes a marriage strong - testing!!! I want to tell you that the waiting part was so difficult (testing). Many lonely nights apart not knowing if we would ever be together. I would cry out to God as my Deliverer and wonder if He was hearing me, I would pray and believe only to hear silence most of the time. Sometimes when I would do my sunrise run along the beach I would see Karyn out on her walks and we would stop and talk and basically have our hearts ache over the waiting on God. We would hang out together but know God had not fully opened the door and friendship was the best we could have at the time. We both wanted to honor God by waiting on His timing and part of that was letting go completely of each other. All we have is from Him and is not ours to keep!
Here's a major thought out of all of this. In the Old and New Testament's none of the people who were written about knew that their stories would be chronicled, that they would become a part of the best selling book of all time!! A book written by God, full of stories of people who were basically losers whom God showed love, mercy, grace and patience with time and again. What if your life or my life were being chronicled? What if all the things we say and do each day ended up in a best selling book? Would you and I be found to be living the kind of lives that pointed others to the same God written about in the Bible? Would we be described as radical followers, patient people who wait on God, obedient and full of faith? I believe with all my heart that Karyn knows that our waiting on God and not running ahead of Him, nor lagging behind Him was worth it. We fought by praying, trusting and waiting because we are worth it. Obedience is always best, and many times it will cost us great amounts of something or everything, but I know, and have known that God is faithful and trustworthy. Don't run ahead or lag behind, walk in step with the Spirit and in the midst "delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart."

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