Wednesday, September 7, 2011

He Makes All Things New!

Okay so some of you have been waiting for this news, I promised I would share it but it had to be the right time. I am about to be married! Karyn Joy is going to be my bride and I get to be her husband!!! I realize that we are not young in age by numbers but don't tell us, because you would think we are about 30 years younger than we are! We are joyful people for sure, but when God delivered this immense blessing/miracle in our lives well, we are humbled and full of great thanksgiving.

Here is the scoop for those of you who do not know our story. We both have been married before and they did not end how either of us wanted. We met about 6 years ago and fell pretty much head over heels for each other! However, God is more concerned with making us holy than happy and we must have needed some extra doses of suffering to make that happen because over the course of these 6 years there have been job changes, career changes, financial hardships, health issues, and on again off again times with each other, but never a green light from God. I can honestly say that God spoke to me to not let go of two things. One was full time ministry and the other being Karyn. Neither of these were idols, and I can tell you there were some pretty raw and honest discussions, intense prayers sessions, times of fasting and digging deeply into God's word and holding on for dear life. We certainly made it our goal not to run ahead of God (dangerous)and not to lag behind Him (just as dangerous) but to walk in step with Him. Sometimes that means Him taking much away from us to truly get our un-divided attention and He did.

A passage from Psalm 71:20-21 describes my last 7 years or so..."Though you have made me see trials, many and bitter, you will restore my life again, you will bring me up from the depths and restore me to a place of honor once again." If you un-pack those verses they can be pretty hard to swallow but if you trust in Him and His deliverance than when you receive His promises well let's just say CELEBRATION!!!! "Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father above!" We can't wait to be one, we can't wait to help each other know God better, serve Him, and help others discover God and His offer of salvation through Jesus. We can say for sure that the years of suffering were worth it for they truly brought us to many places of surrender. I can also say these years were worth it because Karyn is worth fighting for and because I believed God even when it looked like I should have given up and moved on. He clearly makes all things new!

I am now serving in a church I LOVE and I have the woman I would do anything for! Thank you God for discipline, faithfulness, just enough mercy for each day and grace in abundance!!

1 comment:

Karyn said...

I wish I could express in words my version of our story. But I have a science paper due, and I must get that out of the way so we can CELEBRATE OUR LIFE! So much heartache and struggle along the way. Only a true miracle we are here today. Only 10 days to go until I am Karyn Conklin! And it only took us 6 years, 6 months, and 10 days...give or take a few days! God protected our love in spite of us! Here's to Forever! You & Me (and Him!)