Sunday, July 19, 2009

Extravagant Love

Most of us settle, admit it! Either because we are lulled to sleep by the drone of one day following the next, or often we live with regret over what we didn't do more than because we did too much. Woulda, coulda, shoulda! "it costs too much, I can't afford that..." But every once in awhile we hear about someone doing something meriting the word extravagant. Some philanthropist who gives an anonymous gift to an organization or individual that is might be considered extravagant, or when someone gives a gift that is well beyond what might be considered normal. I love it even better when I am either on the giving or recieving end. A friend of mine struggled with a rather extravagant purchase for themself, in fact they debated so much over the purchase that they went to the store on successive days looking at it, debating it but having the hardest time justifying it.

This afternoon I tagged along and did tried to be a support! The item was purchased and the joy on their face was remarkable, not a selfish "mine, mine, mine" look, but more like life is too short not do something just a little over the top! It was so fun I even took a picture! They didn't buy the gift to flaunt it in front of others and be noticed, it was just something that was good for the soul.

Switching gears, I want to point out some events in the Bible that show God's extravagant love for us. There are far too many for this blog, but how about when the prostitute pours an extravagant bottle of perfume over Jesus' and the disciples rebuke her saying they could have sold the bottle and used the money towards helping destitute people. I love it that Jesus didn't get mad at her! She was worshipping Jesus extravagantly! Or the Father of the prodigal son upon his son's return, has their best cow slaughtered, a robe placed on him and he throws a big party instead of giving him his just desserts.

I write this because today or this week maybe you and I ought to do something extravagant, something that may raise some eyebrows but really make a memory. Like forgiving someone who in your mind just doesn't deserve it. Or instead of casting a judgemental eye on that homeless person you pass everyday, and we come up with our list of reasons we shouldn't, maybe we could take them out for a nice meal, instead of handing out small change. God was extravagant with His love, grace and forgiveness to all who ask for it, Jesus is our example and He died for us even though we put Him there. May we figure out creative ways to be extravagant! Life is short! Be extravagant!

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