Sunday, June 14, 2009

Burnin' Calories and Other Things!

I admit it, I have never ever counted a calorie in my life. This is not a boastful thing, rather I have always used different methods of knowing whether I was needing to burn some calories/fat or not. This is a bit of a anomaly since I spent years 9-20 weighing myself countless times a day as a wrestler, first in Elementary School, onto Jr. High, then High School and then finishing my career in College. I had to watch what I ate, how much I ate and unfortunately found some creative and not so healthy ways to lose weight.

I share this because this past month I have increased my workouts and added variety to them. I have been an avid runner since the early 70's (no jokes please), and I lift weights (a bit), bike and LOVE anything outdoors. This past month I have ridden my bike a lot more than I ever have, and I am swimming in the ocean at least 3 times a week. I AM BURNING CALORIES AND FAT! I am not sure how much but I am sure it's a lot.

This week I had the honor of writing our church's IMAX Guide (a Bible study supplement to the weekend sermon) at In the sermon and in the Bible verses there was a clear call to holiness. Many times we are commanded to confess and turn away from anything that is not fully pleasing to God but do we? Or do we give in and let the the not so God glorifying things seep in? Both the sermon and the guide made it obvious is that the Holy Fire of God will burn away anything that is not glorifying to Him, all followers of Him need to be active and serious about this, not at all comfortable! I had grown comfortable! I think many of us do!

Psalm 32 and 51 speak clearly about what happens when sin (things in our lives that do not glorify God) goes un-checked. We grow hard in our hearts, we become callous and we begin moving further away from God and His people! Of course there are other consequences like increased stress, decreased laughter and joy, lying and deception happen more often, and we are vulnerable to the destructive consequences that will damage our lives and possibly those near us. In the message version in Psalm 139 it says;

"Investigate my life O God, find out everything about me. Cross examine and test me and get a clear picture of what I'm about; see for yourself whether
I've done anything wrong- then guide me on the the road to eternal life."

I have come a long way in being more like the follower of God I was created to be, I also know upon authentic inspection I have more to go. In Hebrews 12:29 we are told that God is a consuming fire! He will burn off what is in our lives that will not last and is not Holy! I don't care nearly as much about burning calories and fat as I want to have my flaws and un-Godly ways burned off so that all you see is Him and Him glorified. God wants us to be a Holy people! Let's burn some!

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