Monday, June 1, 2009

Your Heart is Good!

I am about to turn 51 and I made a promise to myself and a friend that I would get a physical. So a couple weeks ago I got one. I was not too worried as I am in good shape, I exercise consistently, eat pretty well, don't know healthy habits. But as a person gets older what lies beneath is what you must know about in order to remain healthy. Preventative medicine. In the midst of my physical my Dr. was alarmed to see a blockage in my heart and odered an echocardiogram. He also ran some other tests. Today I met with him to go over the results. I was curious of course to find out if my heart was good or not. While I was sitting there I hear God say very clearly to me these words. "Kevin, your heart is very good!" I knew what He was speaking of was not my phsical heart that pumps my blood and keeps me alive. He was speaking tenderly to me about my soul/heart. It was so good to hear Him communicate this truth to me! Though I believe I have a good heart, it's good to hear it said from my Abba/Papa! And I want to say to you... Your heart is good!

Here are a few verses regarding the heart.

I Chronicles 28:9 - God searches every heart..
Psalm 86:11 - give me an un-divided heart.
Psalm 139:23 - search me O God and know my heart...
Proverbs 13:12 - hope deferred makes the heart grow sick
Proverbs 15:20 - a cheerful heart is good medicine
Jeremiah 17:9 - the heart is deceitful above all things
Luke 6:45 - out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks
Proverbs 4:23 - above everything guard your heart!

I know this, since I have given my life and heart over to God, He has replaced the evil in my heart and filled it with His good. I have seen my deceitful, selfish and very capable of evil heart transformed with a pure and passionate desire to KNOW God and make Him KNOWN. He has set my heart free, God is the true lover of my heart!

A simple heart check up requires each of us to search our hearts. Are we desiring Godly things, good things that bring Him glory or glory only for ourselves? Do we want to love others, especially those not so easy to love? Do we want the best for others? Do you hate what is evil and cling to what is good? Do we have compassion for the poor, the wounded, widowed and orphan? I know I have a ways to go to have an even healthier heart, but it was both good to hear my Dr. and my God say to me - "Your heart is good Kevin"!

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