Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Soul Care 301

This will be brief but I believe Life Impacting, as was my intention with the other posts on Soul Care.

What makes your heart/soul come alive?

Yes, think about that for a minute. Make a list of the activities and people who make your heart/soul come alive, who have or could cause your life to leap out of the mundane of your day.

St. Ireneous is quoted as saying "The Glory of God is man fully alive."

I resonate with this but at times struggle with it. So make a list of all the activities and people who have done this or would. On a very consistent basis do these, spend time with them. YOU MUST!

John 10:10 says "the thief comes to rob, kill and destroy, but I have come that you may have life and have it to the full." Do you ever see Jesus as bored? Our enemies attempt everyday to rob of us life, kill our desire, steal our joy and destroy our sense or real purpose in this world. But we all have a very important role to live it out, we do. But we can slip into the mundane check out line without a thought until one day we wake up and ask "what happended to the life I desired?"

You don't have to live like this anymore! Do those activities and spend time with those people who cause your soul to stir and come alive. Your life depends on it! You know it and so do I!

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