Sunday, February 8, 2009

Soul Care 101

We live in a society that loves/craves busyness. It's supposed to be a sign of productivity. But busyness doesn't always equal productivity, just activity. In Proverbs 4:23 we read;
"Above EVERYTHING guard your heart/soul, for out of it flows everything."

Soul care is the most important activity we should be about doing. Tending our souls. I don't hear alot of Pastors preaching about it, few books have been written though I highly recommend anything by Henri Nouwen, Eugene Peterson, John Eldredge, John Piper and Brennan Manning. How do we tend our souls? Here are some thoughts on a basic course I would teach.

1. Be still and quiet for a long time. Get the Noise out! It may take awhile.

2. Continue #1 until the 1,000 messages/voices have stopped.

3. What do you hear when you are finally "quiet"?

Here is what you might hear;

"I'm tired" then rest your body, your mind. Do this regularly so you can go longer without having to be here again!

"I'm sensing emptiness in the midst of busyness. What can I do about this?" Go to Him, confess and know that He loves you, forgives you and wants you to be Holy!

"I feel disconnected and distant from God." Draw near to God (get friendly and intimate) and He will draw near to you.

Soul Care 201 coming next!

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