Friday, October 31, 2008

A shout out to team Fusion

Okay just a quick step away from the handling challenges. Tonight one of my activities was to stop in and say hi at a Fall Harvest Party that 60 or so attended from Christ Fellowship's Singles Ministry (Fusion) at the church I serve at. I had the honor of starting this group up from scratch a year and a half ago and now there is a strong core team of 20 or so leaders developed, leading teams themselves. Onto this idea of producing reproducers, I just stepped down as Director a couple weeks ago so to watch this leadership team in action tonight was a blast! Exhilirating really! It was so fun to watch. I built the team to give it away. And I must say, it worked. I truly believe the best days of ministry are the ones when we give stuff away! Jesus did it so well and I imagine He was so proud! I am of the team God helped us form. Now it looks like it is going to multiply at two of our other campuses as two of our leaders want to do this, and form their own teams! Exponential and transformational! What a great thing to be a part of! One of the reasons I know I was created to be and do!

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