Friday, October 31, 2008

How do you live during life's challenges?

Challenges - trials - tragedy - We cannot avoid them try as hard as we may, and we do try hard. Making great choices helps but not complelely. Doing your best to control others (I know you don't do it but others do) control enviornements around you only gets you stressed out and prideful over others who are in difficult situations. But there are times when you have absolutely no control over how and when and even why challenges come your way. Did Job? What he got for being the most righteous man during his life was perhaps the hardest challenge of anyone I've read or heard about.

Here are a couple quotes to chew on;

"Hope is the language of faith when evidence of God's care and presence does not seem clear to us." Brennan Manning.

And again from Brennan;

"Hope knows that if great trials are avoided, great deeds remain undone and the possibility of growth into greatness of soul is aborted. Pessisim and defeatism are never the fruit of the life giving spirit but rather reveal our unawareness of present risen-ness."

Wow! Instead of avoiding challenges they should be seen as pathways of character building and greater intimacy with God. There are no shortcuts to great faith. "And without faith it is impossible to please God." I am not saying ask God for challenges, yet we can embrace them rather hurry through them. I am finding the deepest and most intimate times with God (and isn't that the goal?) are when I am faced with the greatest challenges of my life. I think I will make this a discussion topic this week. Here is a verse for you to ponder as you think about these quotes as well, for scriptures are even better than great quotes from deep people.

Romans 15:13 "may the God of all hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

Lots to meditate on there huh? Until tomorrow! Or tonight!

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