Monday, October 27, 2008

Passion vs. Emotion

I have some passions, and so do you! But life can bury them can't they? I was talking to my foxhole buddy Tim last night about desire. It took him a couple minutes to come up with the things he was truly passionate about, that he truly desired for life. Those passions and desires get lost in surviving financially, our jobs and relationships and time goes so stinkin' fast that before you know it another week has passed, another month and another year. What do we have to show for it? I am realizing that the few things I am passionate about will either get buried (along with me) or I will fight hard and pursue them. It takes so much effort however to keep them in front of me long enough to do something about them. Emotional events/moments last a day or week at best, but true passion can and should last a lifetime. They should define us! Do they? Let me briefly share one of mine. Producing Reproducers. I heard Dr. Dann Spader share this at a training conference run by Sonlife Ministries that Dann founded and ran. Dann and some guy named Bill Hybels were running Son City in suburban Chicago in the early 70's and Bill went on to start WillowCreek Church and the WillowCreek Association, Dann instead used their philosphy of ministry and used it to train Youth Workers. Both used the same model. I look at Jesus' life and how he took 12 guys (not the type of men we would have chosen) and took 3 years (we like instant) and added with the Holy Spirit transformed the world. If you are a believer and follower of Jesus then one day you and I will be able to trace our spiritual roots to one of those 12 Apostles. I can't wait. On the trail behind us, people we lead to Christ will have to go through us in their roots to the 12. Frankly, I am hoping, praying and trying to do something about that being a really, really long line. Next post I will begin to share my thoughts on how that can be done today!


marriage guy said...

There is no one more passionate about producing reproducers than you Kev! I've seen you live it out this past year...I'm so excited that you are finally sharing your wisdom with the world. I'm praying that God will increase your influence and continue to shine down His favor on you!!! Thanks for blessing us with your words.

Unknown said...

Hi Kevin!

Have you read John Piper's book 'Don't Waste Your Life?' ---It is awesome! I'm reading it now with a bible study and it addresses all of what you wrote & more. I highly recommend it!
Thanks for blogging & blessing :)
In Christ's love, Jessica