Saturday, September 6, 2014

Thermostat or Thermometer?

  When I was a Student Ministry Pastor one of the things I communicated to our students right before the beginning of the school year is that they had a very small window to establish their reputation.  After that, people did a lot of assuming.  This was especially true for incoming Freshman in High School/College.  It's a lot harder to change your reputation than it is to establish it.

  That being said, I also challenged our students to see what the spiritual climate was like on their campus.  Who were the strong Godly students?. If they sensed no one was as strong as they were, than they got to be the Spiritual thermostat.  They set the temperature for their surroundings.. Otherwise they would become like the others around them and not grow like they could. If that temp was not high, they would find themselves losing their spiritual fervor.

  What about us?  Look around you, at home, work, church, your Life Group.  Are you the strongest one spiritually speaking?  I don't mean in a judgmental way, or a competitive, or even prideful way either.  I mean, we become who we are around.  So, if you are sensing that people in your everyday settings are living a spiritually lukewarm life but you don't want to, than guess what?  It's up to you, through the power of the Holy Spirit.  If there are others who are more mature than you, get close to them, and for sure encourage those who around you to band together.  By being around each other, you will all grow more mature. The Apostle Paul actually told those around him to follow his example.

Philippians 3:17 "Brothers join me in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us."

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