Thursday, May 31, 2012

Being Included

Inclusion is huge on the positive side, exclusion is frightfully damaging on both the short and long term. While growing up I nearly always felt on the outside looking in. I saw pretty early on that there is the popular crowd and then there is the rest? I have always felt like the rest but wanted to be the other. And that feeling hurt, what I did was either die inside but look happy on the outside, or....I worked hard to be included with the popular crowd. For the most part you CAN earn you way into the popular crowd by being smart, talented and or athletic, or you get in by being from a well to do family or being especially attractive. Early on I was not considered smart, a little below average if the truth be told,and athletically it took me awhile as well. Eventually I was good enough to compete at the college level but never won a championship. My parents worked very hard at providing for us 5 kids but we were not rich, and regarding the especially attractive part, let's just say even though I am not ugly, I am no head turner. Relative to this are those social events that come with invitations, some people get invited to things that the majority do not. Knowledge can be a cruel thing sometimes, like when you know a party or wedding is happening but you were not on the guest list. There is this wedding coming up, a huge affair, the Groom is the most handsome and amazing guy, the woman he is marrying is NOT. Most people figure that He is either codependent and rescuing her, or he sees something in her everybody else has missed. He lavishes her with love. So when the invitations came out, many of the people who received them thought about going but because the couple is so odd, many are choosing not to attend. They sent gifts ahead instead and are managing to find something else to do. The Bride has her family and friends who are coming and count this as the highlight of their lives for they never were a part of his crowd. In the region of the country where the wedding is taking place they have as a custom to go find people to attend so that the wedding will be well attended, the more the merrier! The wedding has not happened yet, for I am speaking of Christ and the church. The wedding will happen soon, I'm not exactly sure when because there are still seats to fill. It will be the most extravagant event in history, Royal weddings will have nothing on this one. All are invited but only a few (relatively speaking) will actually choose to come. It's a choice. I am over whelmed to have been invited, it feels so good to not be on the outside looking in, and because I grew up knowing what the opposite feels like,I am going because He loves me, forgave me and He sacrificed for me. I could never get there on my own merits, looks, talents or brains. His love is immeasurable and we are not just the invitee's, we are the object of His affection, the Bride. There is a seat at the wedding and reception for you, but will you come? For God so loved the world that He gave His very own Son to die for us so that we might live and have life forever, and all we have to say is yes to the invitation. Being included is a huge deal!

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