Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Simple Christmas that is FULL!

Merry Christmas to you all! I am sitting here with Karyn, we have the fire going and we are listening to Christmas music. I love Christmas music but too much of a good thing is not good and starting tomorrow I will be done with it. Karyn and I did give presents to others, our kids, and so on but not to each other. We have the money mind you, it's just that there wasn't anything we wanted or needed. And the cool thing about it is, we are good with it. Seriously, it's so cool. To be very honest, we both are just so incredibly glad that we are together and after years of waiting on God to give a blessing for our marriage, we are overwhelmed by His goodness. That's where the focus has been all week and all day so far! God's goodness. There is this hymn I remember after I first converted to true Christianity, and the chorus went something like, "Count your blessings name them one by one, count your many blessings see what God has done. Count your blessings, name them one by one, count your many blessings and see what God has done."
I hope you got some cool gifts and gave even better ones, but seriously, I challenge you that before you go to bed tonight (exhausted I am sure) take time to list on a pad of paper as many things as you can that are blessings in your life. It may be things, positions, accomplishments, people and well you know... I love being around thankful/grateful people versus those who can find anything or anyone to complain about. Sure, grateful people may seem a bit corny, but that's because they are sincerely thankful and they can't keep it in. This Christmas I can tell you that I have a long list of reasons to be thankful and grateful. Heck, the fact that you are reading this far means that you are one of those reasons!!! Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Karyn Conklin said...

Just read your blog, and still so thankful and blessed. What a year, seems too much to take in, all the overflow...