Friday, September 2, 2011

Staying in Shape or Getting in Shape

Confession time!! Got your interest didn't I? I was a highly competitive athlete for many years, wrestling from 4th grade all the way to the college level, I was a fairly good runner afterward and I have always stayed in pretty good shape. I laughed at those who said age would do funny things (bad) to you. Then it happened! I got way out of shape. There are reasons I can give but honestly they would be weak excuses and sad alibis. I moved from Florida and missed my favorite running and biking routes, I had no ocean nearby to swim in, and here in North Carolina there seems to be a law against shoulders on the sides of roads, so running and biking seems very dangerous. A day of lost exercise slipped to the next, I worked lots of hours at my new job and justified sitting in front of the TV after a long day. Then what to my wondering eyes appeared on my body but belly fat, atrophied muscles, sore joints and a core section that reeked of middle age!! For the first time in my life I can say I am overweight and out of shape. So what do I do with this new found, and much hated state I find myself in?

Spiritually speaking many can find themselves out of shape so to speak. It's not hard since we know that "we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities and principalities of this dark and evil world." Ephesians 6:12. How do followers get out of spiritual strength/shape? Probably just as easy as I did physically. We get lazy, distracted, even bored, we stop looking for opportunities to share our faith with those we come in contact with, we stop being hungry for reading and applying the Word of God, and we end up "praying without ceasing" (a rather poor excuse we use) rather than making time for our "prayer closets" to have uninterrupted, passionate and intimate prayer time. Before you know it, it's been a long time since you last "met" with God and you have atrophied spiritually. You find your way into non-public sin and your soul has gone un-noticed and un-attended. But here is the great news!!!!

No one is beyond the outstretched arms of God. He is always there for you and I. It takes one step on our part, (surrender/repentance). Then it takes iron sharpening (see Proverbs 27:17) and before you know it the fire is burning strong and steady in your soul and it flows out of you to those around you.

I am doing the grunt work to get back in shape physically and it will take effort, consistency and others to encourage me, but I am determined to get there AND STAY THERE!! Spiritually speaking, you can do the same thing. It will take effort on your part, consistency and others to encourage you, but with the power and help of the Holy Spirit you can do it and you can STAY THERE!

Believe me, I know first-hand that it's a lot easier to stay in shape than to get there!!!


Glynis said...

Great stuff Kevin. I need BOTH "tune ups" Thanks for encouraging that. Off to do some situps ~

Karyn said...

Won't it be wonderful that we will be able to encourage each other to Stay in Shape and Eat Healthy? :-))