Thursday, August 5, 2010

Welcome to the Family

This past weekend my oldest daughter Brittany married Thomas Rivera up in N.E. Georgia. Of course a family wedding can be a pretty big deal, but when you are the Father of the Bride, well, it was my first! I need to admit something from the get go, I screwed up quite a bit these last 4 years while they dated. I am not saying it was all my fault, but I need to take responsibility for my actions/lack of them. I am a Father that has been pretty protective of my girls and I have prayed for my daughter's spouses since the day they were born. I prayed that their husbands would love God first and foremost, my daughters next and then take great care of them by providing for them and bringing out the best in them! I messed up because I made it nearly impossible for Thomas to reach the standards I had in my head and heart. I became a very judgmental and self-righteous person, and it spilled out in other area's of my life.

Fortunately, God and some special people in my life who have a lot of wisdom and were willing to speak the truth in love to me, helped redeem the situation. Thanks to Karyn, my Mom, Tim Popadic and Dick Walker!!! And thank you Holy Spirit for convicting me gently, and for author John Piper's writings which help steer me in the right direction. I have much to learn and a long way to go on this journey that's for sure! All that to say that in that final hour I call 11:59:59, I was able to sit with Brittany and Thomas and confess sin, seek forgiveness, walk in repentance and start fresh! Thank you Britt and Thomas for grace and forgiveness. I always wanted a son and now I have a son-in-law whom I want to get to know a lot better and do fun, masculine and spiritual things together.

I write this to express to you that no matter what you've done or not done, or what's been done to you, it's never to late for redeeming it all!! Hope is a powerful thing and I want to give you some if I can. I didn't see a way out of my mess up and knew I had pushed my daughter and Thomas away by my self-righteous behavior. But, thankfully through a teachable spirit and an incredible God, the best outcome prevailed. If there is a relationship in your life that needs healing and reconciliation, or a wrong that needs righting, or some sin that needs confessing, I just want you to know that it's never too late! God wants us to live in peace and harmony, with love and grace lavished all over each other. Swallow your pride (not easy to admit or do) and make the move toward everything God wants for you (wherever possible make your amends). The results of this are incredible!!! They lighten your load, bring freedom and allow you to have hope for a great present and future.

My family drove 2,000 miles roundtrip over the weekend to be together for this joyous occasion and we all had the time of our lives! What was also amazing was how much easier my family accepted and loved on Thomas than I ever did previously. Thomas, welcome to the family!!!


Brad said...

Great post and congratulations. May God continue to richly bless your family.

Anonymous said...

Thanks dad!!! I love this. My husband (yay! still weird but good to say) and I are reading this together and are so excited to read this! I'm so glad you and the family had a great time! Thank you for our 11:59:59 moment, it meant the world to me, more than you'll ever know!!! I love you paps!
Thomas: I am looking forward to having those manly, spiritual moments with my father in law. I am so blessed that God has placed a man in my life that will be a father figure. He truly filled that void. I love you dad!