Thursday, March 19, 2009

Florida Rains and Nourishment for Dead Souls!

This winter has been brutally dry in South Florida, true the ocean is right here, but almost all the grass and many trees are brown and barely alive. But the last two days or so we have had those South Florida rains, not a sprinkle here or there but lots of rain. Inches at a time. You can nearly watch the grass and trees come to life it's an amazing transformation.
Our souls can be like this. We can walk through the motions and as John Ortberg says;

"Soul dissatisfaction cannot go long without leading us into sin. We have an inner soul court and an outer soul court. The outer court is what the public sees and many can be invited into, but the inner court is the "holy of holies" that God sees, and what He sees cannot be staged, there are no shortcuts. Authenticity of a lack of it will be found out. The soul is either satisified or it is not, but it must be."
If you are dry spiritually, admit it and immediately turn for God's refreshment of love, grace and mercy to shower on you. Romans 8:1 "there is now therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." James says "draw near to God and He will draw near to you." God wants you and I to be alive and refreshed, it takes discipline for sure, but mostly it takes the reality of just how much He loves us! He loves us! You need to identify the reasons you got dry in the first place and then seek wisdom and develop an action plan on how to get out and stay out. A book I suggest you devour is written by John Eldredge titled "Waking the Dead", check it out! The Holy Spirit wants to move in and reign in our lives!

It's God's kindness that leads us to repentenance."

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