Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Tribute to my Mom

  This past Tuesday morning I watched my Mom take her last breathe, my wife, brother, my three sisters and my Dad were surrounding her in the hospital room when it happened.  She wasn't alone but it was a very surreal experience to say the least.  Just a couple days before, after visiting with her all day it was time to say goodnight, as I bent over to kiss her on her forehead she reached up and gently grabbed my face with both hands and made sure she kissed me on my lips.  I will never forget that. I could easily write volumes about her, I will just use some descriptive words (in no specific order).

Fun loving
Family Oriented
A True Servant
Jesus like

  I loved that woman, every Friday I've called my parents for the last 30 years or so, and when we talked her first words were either "Hi Kev" or "How's my buddy?".  She cared so much for me, shed tears and told me nearly every time we spoke how proud she was of me.  I was a late bloomer growing up, and she believed in me.  She told me of Jesus many times and prayed for my salvation. In fact, it was her and my Dad who led me to the Lord just before graduating from high school.  I will miss her terribly, she was the one who brought so much life and laughter to our family of 7, and to everyone around us.  She was the Kool-Aid Mom before there was one. She struggled with comparing herself to others because she had a pretty tough up-bringing.  Those wounds may have never fully healed, she just never felt worthy!  But today, I KNOW she is new, with Jesus and healed!  She is back to dancing and feeling equal with her sister and hopefully re-united with many from her family.  For sure she now experiences the love of God and she is truly happy and at peace.  Thank you God for my Mom, thanks for making sure she was my Mom! I can't wait to see her again and we will have a long embrace and it will be so special!
Love Kev

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