Friday, August 16, 2013

The Right Kind of Authority Brings Freedom

Inverted T-Bar readings on an EKG apparently are not a good thing, and I had them. A few weeks ago I went into for my physical and when my EKG report came back my Dr. sent me to a Cardiologist. Uh oh! I don't like this and I certainly don't want my wife and family to worry. I admit, I was anxious about this. Partly because my heart hurt last year when I was in the midst of a very stressful situation and partly because there is a history of heart disease in my family. At times last year my heart physically hurt and I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to freak anyone out, (stupid I know). Now that my Dr. found something, what would my Cardiologist say?

What he said was that he needed to run a series of tests. Specifically a Stress Test and an Echo-cardiogram. I went in a week later, sat in a waiting room with some really old people and finally it was my turn. I got all wired up, shot up with radium dye and the Diagnostic Team hit the go button on the treadmill. Long story short, I passed with flying colors, according to the Test givers, the only ones who score higher than I did were Pro Athletes and Marathon Runners. They said I couldn't have done what I did with a bad heart, but they still needed to do the Echo Test and I would still need to me with my Cardiologist.

I did the Echo-cardiogram the next day and again, everything looked fine. I felt relieved after both tests, but I still needed to hear it from the Cardiologist myself. A few days later I met with him and got the news that my heart was healthy and there were no worries. Ahhh! Relief, freedom, peace and celebration! In fact I celebrated by going to Baskin-Robbins and having a double scoop Hot Fudge Sundae!

Most followers of Jesus know deep down inside that there are times when their heart is not fine. They know that some habits they have formed have done damage, but they hope it won't lead to long term damage. WRONG! Psalm 32 talks about the consequences of keeping silent about sin. It says it's like our bones and body waste away. Listen, let God the ultimate Dr. of your heart do an inspection - in Psalm 139 David asks God to search his heart and see if there is any wickedness. In the Book of James, we are instructed to confess our sins one to another so that we might be healed/whole.

God is the ultimate authority and nothing is going to escape Him when it comes to our hearts, the hidden things that we hope will never show up. We might fool others, even ourselves, but God knows and it will effect you eventually. I urge you to confess and repent of anything in your heart that does not please God. God will set you free, you will celebrate and you will experience both peace in your life and effectiveness in reaching others for Christ. Go get your heart checked, you'll be glad you did!

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