Monday, April 15, 2013

When the Holy Spirit Shows Up - What do you do?

Last week I had one of those unforgettable moments, at least I hope I never forget it. I doubt I will, but just in case I do here goes;
A middle aged former Buddhist, now Christ follower had asked to see me and another person from our church. We knew that she no longer came to our church, but she was coming because we had earned her trust. We hadn't seen her in several months and she mentioned that Michelle and I both looked so young. I'll take that compliment any day. We just had said that God was doing amazing things in our own lives and here at church and so maybe that's why we looked younger. She said she no longer was hungry for God, His word and had felt like walking away. Her once healed shoulder was hurting, her marriage was on a thread, and God was far away.

That's when I told here that she can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect different results. "May I pray for you?" I asked. She said yes, I anointed her with oil, prayed a bold and Spirit led prayer and then the Spirit came. Forget about theology just for a moment. As we finished praying, she began mumbling, I looked up and saw her holding her mouth with both hands and fear covered her face. "What is happening?" she said. We kept praying. A second later she is saying something that sounds like Abba. "My face is hot, what is going on?" Michelle (the other person praying) said not to worry that the Holy Spirit was here and doing a work. I told her to put her hands down from her mouth and let whatever was happening to happen. The next thing you know she is saying "Abba, Abba, Abba..." and that her face was so hot, she started laughing hard, joy was overflowing! I went to get her a glass of cold water. When I came back we took a moment to thank God, as we are doing so, still laughing, she starts to pump her right arm in the air high, and says over and over "Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus." I looked at her and asked her about her shoulder, she said with an astonished look, "It must be healed, it doesn't hurt. Thank you Jesus!" We all laughed and praised God!!!

Without any prompting she tells us that she wants to start studying her Bible again, that she wants to love her husband and treat him better, that she wants to get pizza and share a piece with her husband and with Jesus. We get up to leave and walk her to the front door, the whole time she is skipping and laughing and now she looks 10 years younger. We stare in awe! Thank you God for miraculous healing of body and soul. Thank you for showing up in such an undeniable and unexplainable way. If we can figure God out and explain Him than we may have a pretty small God. I am so very glad for Him bringing awe and wonder into my life and others. When the Holy Spirit shows up, don't try to figure it out, let Him do His work.

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