Saturday, December 29, 2012

My Key Words for 2013

JOY and DISCIPLINE. This past year I lost parts of both of these, and they have always been my strength. As I've reflected on 2012, I am convicted about this and know they need specific attention. I know it because a few people actually came up to me and spoke about my joy being lost (thank you btw). The Joy of the Lord has ALWAYS been my strength.

It will take some intentional thinking and doing on my part but I must lean on the Lord for help, I cannot simply will myself to do it. In regards to discipline, well let's just say in a couple areas I lacked it, (think 10 lbs. of more of me to love). I broke rules I have lived out, and even advised others on. Take the 10 minute exercise rule. Simply stated, "no one wants to exercise, but if you will at least start for 10 minutes, most likely you will finish." But getting started is the hardest part of any workout, there are justifications all over our lives as to why we will do it later. So, for 2013 I will submit my will to God's when it comes to JOY being my strength and not circumstances being just right, and being more DISCIPLINED. The cool thing is, when I am more disciplined I will also experience more joy! What are your keys for 2013?

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Do You have one of these?

Perspective - it's a key tool that helps us know where we've been, where we are, as well has who we've been and who we are. Left to ourselves we may not have the most accurate of views.

Do you have people in your life who;
- Love you most?
- Know you best?
- Are willing to speak the truth in love to you?

Isolation is NEVER a good thing, but having a group of trusted people who will speak into your life is invaluable. If you don't have a "Life Counsel" I encourage you to begin assembling a team of about 3-5 people who fit the criteria listed above. When you are facing a major decision, need prayer and perspective then you have these people ready to pray and speak. Give them advance notice when you are needing their wisdom, this will give them time to ask you detailed questions and pray, so when the time comes for making a decision you are now equipped to make the best choice. Their perspectives take a lot of pressure off of you, it's just wise!

Proverbs 15:22 "Plans fail for lack of counsel but with many advisers they succeed." This is where the saying "two heads are better than one" originated from. Another benefit of having a Life Counsel is that you all get a glimpse of what has happened over your lifetime and that gives everyone a reason to thank God and celebrate together!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


At Christmastime my sense of wonder heightens, I love watching children get excited about Santa, toys, decorations and parties. I love how one moment the Christmas Spirit seems bigger than life and people are generous and kind, but then we get stuck in traffic or Black Friday sales and cause riots and get mean and selfish. How are these things possible? This makes me wonder.

In the Book of Corinthians "God made Him who knew no sin to become sin so that we might become the righteousness of God." Wonderful! Amazing! It didn't start with the birth of Christ and it didn't end with the death/sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Christianity is the only religion where God works His way towards us since it's impossible to work our way to Him. That causes me to be in wonder and realize how wonderful God is toward me and all of us.

As I close I leave you with an illustration; if I went out a bought you a Christmas gift, wrapped it, tied a bow around it and placed your name on a card on it, is it yours? You have the knowledge of the gift, I could describe the gift even, but the reality is that is not your gift entirely until you receive it. Many people know about God, Jesus and His offer to completely forgive us of all of our sins. But knowing about it will not change a thing, it's only when you personally receive that gift by asking for it, believing it and trust in what He says He has done. Knowledge is never enough, it's about the experience! I hope you will wonder a lot about why the world has celebrated the birth of God's gift for 2000 years!

The greatest gift you can ever receive is complete forgiveness, unconditional love, and a place with God for eternity. Jesus is the reason for this season and it makes me be in wonder and awe.