Monday, October 29, 2012

What's Your Current Spiritual Season?

I have had the opportunity to live in the Midwest, West and Southeast. Most of the States I have lived in have seasons, some more severe than others. For instance in the Midwest where I grew up, went to College, and where I served in some local churches, there were some record setting Winters. I mean like -60 degrees, snow piled so high you had to get on your roof to shovel it off so it would not cave in. I lived in Atlanta one summer where we had 30 plus straight days of 95 degrees and hundreds died. I lived in South Florida, where there really are not seasons but it does rain hard in the summer, gets very hot, and there are hurricanes to contend with.

I also believe we have seasons in our spiritual lives too. Let me explain. Based on your life with Christ right now would you say you are in Fall (cool towards the things of God) and moving toward Winter (cold toward God and giving into sin willingly)? Or are you moving out of Winter and toward Spring (your heart is warming up to the Word of God, toward Prayer and sharing your faith)? Or perhaps you are in the peak of Summer and spiritual matters like tithing, serving and sharing your faith, along with deep and intimate prayer is your norm? We know that weather seasons change. But you do not have to wait out the seasons spiritually. No, you can change the condition of your heart simply by confessing where you are and asking God to help move you to a "warmer climate". I encourage people to have a spiritual mentor who has learned how to live closer to the "Son", and how to stay on fire for God. Spiritual fervor can be sustained but that takes being really intentional and having others walk with you. Repentance is a spiritual word that means changing direction. It's not being sorry, but actually doing something different. If you are sensing you are in a cool place and it's getting colder toward God, stop and ask God to help heat things up.

A British Pastor named Gypsy Smith who spoke to me powerfully on revival. In essence he said this;

"Many people want revival but few know how. Revival is quite simply a personal thing. Here's how you start a revival, take a piece of chalk and go into a private room. Draw a circle on the floor and then get down on your knees in the middle of that circle. Begin asking God to reveal any sin you have in your life, confess it, repent of it and don't get up until you are confident that you have confessed it all. You will immediately feel the joy of forgiveness and you won't be able to contain yourself. That's how you start a revival."

My wife and I live in North Carolina now, the leaves are beginning to peak and the temps are beginning to fall, but....our hearts don't have to. How about yours?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Getting away is a great practice, here's why.

My wife and I were able to get away this past Friday morning until Sunday night at Winshape Retreat in Rome, Georgia. I cannot begin to tell you how good it was for us and each other, it was an absolute gift (thank you Bubba and Dan Cathy)! Normally, I am not "needing" a vacation because I am a joyful person and I do a lot of self-care/soul-care and that makes me not need to get away. But some seasons of life are harder than others and lately I had lost a good deal of my joy. Here are some reasons it is important to take regular time to get away.

Getting away brings perspective! When you are in the midst of life you can lose perspective it's just that simple. Another way to get perspective is to have some wise people speak into your life who do not live too close to you but can offer wisdom and advice. Either way, you and I need perspective. It's that feeling you get when you are 30,000 feet in the air and you fly over familiar places, everything looks different than on the ground.

Getting away disconnects you from normal routine. Routine/discipline are good things that bring order, function and productivity, but getting out of routine allows time to see life differently and can cause you to answer the question - "Why do I do what I do?" and "Can I do what I do better than I am doing it now?"

Getting away brings refreshment. Karyn and I were able to have fun, do things we wouldn't normally do, and that is so good for the soul. Even if it is outside your comfort zone, adventure is good for you and I. Seeing new places, meeting new people and doing new things refreshes us.

There are other reasons to get away but those are a couple quick thoughts. I close with this challenge. Getting away will not just happen, you and I MUST be intentional about it. Chances are you KNOW you need to get away and you are likely thinking there is no way you can with demands, finances and whatever else has got you tethered, but I am exhorting you to make time to get away, you will be glad you did! I know I am!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Don't Leave Home without these - seriously!

Fall is here, and most people across the country need to put their summer clothes away and get their Fall/Winter clothes out and ready to wear. God's word gives us a list of clothing we cannot afford to have missing from our wardrobe, in fact these items need to be put on everyday. Want to know what they are? Of course you do, here is the list.

1. Humility - I Peter 5:5. God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble.
2. Christ Jesus. Romans 13:14 & Galatians 3:27 say we are to clothe ourselves with Christ. If you know what Jesus looks like than you will know what to put on each day.
3. Compassion - Colossians 3:12
4. Kindness - Colossians 3:12 Treat others the way you want to be treated.
5. Gentleness - Colossians 3:12 When we are in a hurry, it's hard to be gentle.
6. Patience - Colossians 3:12 We need to slow down and show grace, we are all in process.

Remember that in Biblical times people more or less covered themselves from head to toe with clothing. There was not a lot of skin showing. People need to see less of us and more of God in us and through us!

Lastly, we are in a continual battle, I mean it we are! If you are truly living for God and are a citizen, an heir, a child of His then you are at war with your gratifying your own flesh,fighting against the accusations, lies and temptations of the devil and the ways of the world which oppose the ways of God. With that being said, no one in their right mind would forget to take their armor and weapons out on the battle field. But I am afraid that is what happens MOST of the time. You don't have to believe me, look at what scripture says in Ephesians 6 10-17. The Apostle Paul says twice to put on the FULL armor of God. Why?
"So you may stand against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is NOT against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of the this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places...that you may be able to resist in the evil day and having done everything to stand firm." Ephesians 6:12-13.

Here are the other pieces of "clothing" or armor you and I must put on EVERYDAY!

1. The Belt of Truth Be truth tellers not liars and deceivers or gossips.
2. The Breastplate of Righteousness. Do things that please God.
3. The shoes of the Gospel of Peace The Gospel is GREAT NEWS - Share it!
4. The Shield of Faith It is impossible to please God without it.
5. The Helmet of Salvation. Use your head and handle accurately the truth.
6. The Sword of the Spirit. God's word is truth and eternal, enough said.

This is pretty plain isn't it? We would not go out in the rain without an umbrella or rain coat, we wouldn't be wise to go out in the snow without a winder coat, hat and gloves, and we wouldn't go outside in the sun in South Florida without sunscreen. Everyday, do your best to be the best dressed Christian you know.