Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's Still All About Relationship

We are all wired differently and of course that's a great thing. Some people are thinkers, others are inventors, engineers, artists, athletes, writers and relational. I was certified years ago as a DISC Personality Profile Facilitator and loved helping people and teams identify strengths, here is a simple view! D for Doer/dominant; I for Influence/people person; S for Steady/loyal and C for Compliance/correctness. There are also many ways to learn, reading, watching, listening, doing and mentoring. When it comes to discipling others in the ways of living the life of a Jesus follower all of these are needed but the one item that is MOST NEEDED is the Mentoring/Relational method. Jesus spent 3 years with 12 men who were willing and teachable and the world has never been the same. Who are we to think that reading the latest greatest book, blog or magazine is better than a real person? Doing is great but if you don't know what you are doing then failure is an option, and no one likes to fail. Listening is a great way to learn as well and there are so many great podcasts we can access at anytime from the very best teachers in the world, but unfortunately you can't take that teacher with you during your day. The best method of discipleship is still the tried and true method of on-going relationship. Even if you've never had this experience for yourself, you can still be that person for someone else. If you have been a follower for a long time, it's never too late to have someone do some nuturing/iron sharpening so that you can still become all that God desires for you as you follow, obey and reproduce. I encourage you to take some steps that are quite do-able. 1. Identify some people of the same gender whose faith you look up to. 2. Pray and ask God to lead you to the person you'd most love to be mentored by. 3. Go ask the person and be specific about what you are asking. 4. If they say yes, set up a time to begin meeting and decide a time frame, a curriculum/study to go through and discuss what it is that you need or they think you need to become a strong, God confident and producing re-producer for the rest of your life. It doesn't matters if you are relational or not, the reality is you have something to offer to others and you have needs certain others can provide. It's still all about relationship!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Our church has just kicked off the 2012 theme "The Year of Discipleship", I am pretty stoked about it because I am one of those fortunate ones who was formally and informally "discipled", or if you prefer "Mentored". I am so incredibly grateful for the men and women who poured into me, the list is long and I am deeper because of it. One of my catch phrases this year is - "Deep and Wide". What I mean by that is we want to help people go much more deep in their knowledge and handling of God's word and we want them to go wide with this knowledge as they obey the word of God which will impact others and the world.
What about you? Are there people you can point to who spent time with you to grow you up in God? If not, it's never too late and if you have been a follower of God for any length of time, then it's time to get busy and make a difference in someone else's life. Another phrase I will be using is Looking UP for people who are wiser and more knowledgeable than you, Looking Around for those at about the same place who can be Iron Sharpeners and are willing to be with you in the midst. Finally, Looking Below for those younger in the Lord than you who could use whatever you know and help them grow deeper.
Since discipleship is going to be on-going,life long journey let me ask you who is more deep than you, who can help you grow deeper? Come on, who is it, write their name(s) down and get ready to contact them. And while we are at it, who are some people in the same place as you who can be an Iron Sharpener? And finally who can you bring up who is younger than you? They need you! Write these names down, start praying for them and enter into a grow deep and wide relationship.