Monday, February 27, 2012

Getting Out of Stuck Mode

We all have areas of strength and weakness, and periodically it is a good thing to assess progress! We need to evaluate in order to grow! Being a learner is critical for you and I to become all that God desires, if we are not growing and learning than we are in stuck mode. Prayer is one of my strength areas but I've felt stuck for awhile, that is until I started reading "The Circle Maker" by Mark Batterson, wow, what a book! I can't hardly put it down! So in one of my shortest posts of all time I have a simple question for you.

What area's of strength are you cruising/maintaining/stuck? Come on you know what I am talking about and equally important, what will you do about it? You and I cannot afford to stay stuck, so our options are;

a. Read a book.
b. Read an article.
c. Find an expert and learn from them.
d. Take a class.
e. Search Websites.

But don't sit still!!! Be all you can be!

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