Monday, February 27, 2012

Getting Out of Stuck Mode

We all have areas of strength and weakness, and periodically it is a good thing to assess progress! We need to evaluate in order to grow! Being a learner is critical for you and I to become all that God desires, if we are not growing and learning than we are in stuck mode. Prayer is one of my strength areas but I've felt stuck for awhile, that is until I started reading "The Circle Maker" by Mark Batterson, wow, what a book! I can't hardly put it down! So in one of my shortest posts of all time I have a simple question for you.

What area's of strength are you cruising/maintaining/stuck? Come on you know what I am talking about and equally important, what will you do about it? You and I cannot afford to stay stuck, so our options are;

a. Read a book.
b. Read an article.
c. Find an expert and learn from them.
d. Take a class.
e. Search Websites.

But don't sit still!!! Be all you can be!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Thoughts in the Midst of a 21 Day Fast

Why do people fast? For health reasons, to lose weight, or for spiritual reasons, Right now I am finished with the second week of a 21 day fast. I am doing a "Daniel Fast" which means no caffeine, no meat, no dairy, no tea, sugars, nothing artificial. I am basically eating veggies and fruit and drinking water. Can I say it's been easy in many ways, partly because my wife is doing a GREAT job of buying and preparing foods that are tasty! Secondly, I have done all of my other fasts without food, and some by eating smoothies. Fasting is not about some sort of "rabbit's foot" or rubbing a magic lamp so God will bless me. It's about drawing closer to God and doing away with distractions and spending lots of time in prayer. Frankly things around me (others lives) have really become very hard. People are ending up in the hospital, people losing their jobs, marriages that are struggling and family situations of others at near breaking point. It is causing me to be more prayerful that's for sure. I am believing God for some very specific things but they are not about me but about Him. That's right, I so want God to receive the Glory and Honor and Praise for anything that happens because of this time. Our entire Staff fasted together for 10 days and our Senior Pastor did a 21 day fast before we all started. A couple other staff people are still fasting for the full 21 like I am. The best and least that happens is that we all draw closer to God than when we started. That God may do something significant for our church and others would be a total blessing. I really hope that when I am done I hunger and thirst more for God than I do a glass of iced tea, or a hot cup of Mocha, or a steak. After fasting completely from food for 40 days, the first temptation the devil tried to get Jesus to give in to was food. "tell this rock to turn into bread". Jesus wanted to eat I am sure of that, but Jesus' reply was scripture, "man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Doing the will of His Father was more fulfilling than filling his belly! Can the same be said of us? I realize through this time how much certain foods had me addicted and since my body is to be a holy temple of God I need to make sure pure and healthy foods go in.
What about you? What are you willing to do in order to hunger and thirst after God more than you are doing today? Is there something more important? That's an idol. Could you give up watching the Superbowl if it meant you could use that time instead on your knees listening to Him and drawing closer to Him? I pray that true follower of God's (not just believer's of His) would be willing to abandon anything in order to draw closer to God. James 4:8.