Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Into Africa We Go....

Into Africa we go…

God commands it, and we are compelled to go!

When I was a kid growing up in a small Midwest town, occasionally a missionary would visit the small church our family attended, I remember thinking how wild it was that people would go to 3rd world places like Africa to help meet needs and share the great news of Jesus.  Back then, the world was so big and far-away places seemed…so far away.  Now of course, every place is so accessible, but the needs are as great as before. I am excited to tell you that Karyn and I are going to Kenya June 14-23rd to meet felt and real needs in a remote village that just recently got their first water well, this can bring major hope for these people. But that’s not all they need.  We are partnering with Inour church and an organization called Choose to Invest.  Would you consider praying for us and our team of seven?  Would you also pray about supporting us?   We are trusting God greatly for the finances to make this command to go a reality.  Here is the link if you would like to show generosity.  This is Karyn’s very first foreign missions trip and she is excited and we are really trusting God in all of this.  We will share more in the near future. Thank you!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Beach Balls and What's Under the Surface

When I was a kid my Dad got us an above ground circular swimming pool.  Come Spring he cleaned it, got the necessary chemicals,plugged in the filter, and as soon as it was warm enough, we enjoyed the refreshment and laughter all summer long. One of the games we played was taking big colorful beach balls and push them below the water surface and try to hold them down or tried to sit on them. The problem was, beach balls are round and not easy to control under the surface.  Air is so much lighter than water and air was continually and strongly forcing the ball up above the surface.  It was fun trying to keep the ball below the surface, all the while the ball was trying hard to get up above the surface.

We can be like that can't we?  There are just things in our private lives that we really don't want people to see, so we force them below the surface in hopes that no one can.  That's a problem!!! Because sooner or later that problem is going to explode above and people will know and it will make a scene.  Wouldn't it be so much better if we all could practice bringing in a few trusted friends in, people who are safe, love us, care for us and know we have stuff and they love us enough to not let us stay stuck?  The truth is they have had and will have their stuff too..

  So, rather then becoming a statistic, how about we take the plunge, dive in and ask a few safe, trusted and wise people into our lives, marriage and spiritual life, and ask for their help while we are still in it instead of trying hard to make sure no one sees it? How about becoming that for a few people ourselves if we are in a good place presently.  No one, and I mean no one has their life, spiritual life, marriage, parenting together.  We need God, we need His word, we need His Holy Spirit AND we need others who know us best, love us most and are willing to speak the truth in love to us. And we need them to be in our corner when the pressures in our lives if left un-checked will explode in a mess for all to see.

"Shame Kills" is a message I heard about 10 years ago. When there are times we can't make it on our own, we somehow swallow our pride and try figuring out ways we can make it work without "bothering" others,, shame kills.  When we hope we will turn things around but don't bring people in to speak into it, shame kills. When our marriage is hurtful and not helpful and we don't ask for the wisdom, prayers and support of others, well shame kills.  When we can't seem to win the battle over a sin that so easily entangles us and we are too ashamed of opening up to a spiritual mentor, but later on we get "found out", shame kills.....  Let's be people who carefully let the ball up and out for those close to us to see instead of trying hard to keep it below where no one can..

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up." Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Monday, September 15, 2014

Free Pizza and Ever Flowing Grace

  I know the title sounds a little funny, but follow me for a minute please and then it will make sense.  Saturday night my wife and I had been working pretty hard around the house and frankly as good as the steak looked in the fridge, neither of us had the energy to grill it. So, we do what most do, we ordered pizza.  I ordered it on-line and a few minutes later left to go pick it up a few minutes later.  When I got there to pick it up, they said the order never came through, that they were backed up, and if I wanted to order it would be another 30 minutes.  I was hungry but lazy and said okay.  So, I went over to Trader Joe's to do some grocery shopping, took my time, got everything loaded in the car and then went to pick up the pizza a few doors away. Only, when I got there, I found out it had 39 minutes to go.  "What?" I thought, but didn't say.  I sat and sat and waited, and I am sure I didn't look like I was ready to do a joy, joy, happy, happy dance.  When my pizza was finally ready, they boxed it and handed it to me.  I said, "um, I need to pay for it"  The guy behind the counter said, Nope, it's on us, you had to wait so long."

  I was un-done.  I had no reply other than humbled thanks.  I got in my car, drove home and all I could say was this is just a pizza, God's grace is so much more amazing and I just drove away blown away and realizing I have no adequate response to grace.

  What about you?  Ever receive anything free, something of value that was free or a gift that was pretty overwhelming?  What was your response? When it comes to God's free gift of complete forgiveness, un-conditional love and a place in eternity with Him when we pass from this life all you need to say is yes!  It's His offer! It's for anyone no matter what you've done or what's been done to you.  Please respond if this is your story, let me know if you have been blown away by His great offer.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Thermostat or Thermometer?

  When I was a Student Ministry Pastor one of the things I communicated to our students right before the beginning of the school year is that they had a very small window to establish their reputation.  After that, people did a lot of assuming.  This was especially true for incoming Freshman in High School/College.  It's a lot harder to change your reputation than it is to establish it.

  That being said, I also challenged our students to see what the spiritual climate was like on their campus.  Who were the strong Godly students?. If they sensed no one was as strong as they were, than they got to be the Spiritual thermostat.  They set the temperature for their surroundings.. Otherwise they would become like the others around them and not grow like they could. If that temp was not high, they would find themselves losing their spiritual fervor.

  What about us?  Look around you, at home, work, church, your Life Group.  Are you the strongest one spiritually speaking?  I don't mean in a judgmental way, or a competitive, or even prideful way either.  I mean, we become who we are around.  So, if you are sensing that people in your everyday settings are living a spiritually lukewarm life but you don't want to, than guess what?  It's up to you, through the power of the Holy Spirit.  If there are others who are more mature than you, get close to them, and for sure encourage those who around you to band together.  By being around each other, you will all grow more mature. The Apostle Paul actually told those around him to follow his example.

Philippians 3:17 "Brothers join me in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us."

Monday, May 12, 2014

Why the Grass may be greener on the other side.

I have a confession to make, (a great place to start).  Working on my yard is just that, a lot of work.  Spring comes early in Charlotte and that gives us a chance to get everything looking better before it's actually summer.  We have a big yard!  Once I measured the distance using MapMyRun and it turns out that the distance I push my mower back and forth is 2.6 miles.  Like I said, we have a big yard.  My wife Karyn and I work really hard to make it look nice, we plant flowers, trim bushes and trees, add lighting and on and on it goes.

  So today while I am pushing the mower and burning calories, the Holy Spirit began speaking to me about how hard I am working to make this all look like a show piece and but I don't put nearly as much time and attention tending my soul.  Now it's true, I do a lot of soul tending.  However, it's not the appearance that matters when it comes to my soul (unlike my yard).  I want God to look deep into my heart and know that I have rested, listened, worked, tended and kept my heart a show piece of righteousness, faithfulness, joy and purity.  A heart that is not duplicitous.  A heart that is after God's.  The beauty of my yard, the dark green of my grass, and the colorful flowers are not nearly as important as the beauty of my heart given to me by God that I am to tend to, I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I was bought with Jesus' life.  I am valuable.  God loves me!  What about you?  What outward appearance are you constantly trying to look good but inwardly its not nearly as true?  Take time to tend to your heart. "Above everything, guard your heart for it is well spring where everything flows from." Proverbs 4:23.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

How Your Tests Are Actually Your Truths.

   3 years is also 36 months, it's also 156 weeks and 1095 days.  Not including vacation time, holidays and my day off each week this is how long I have had the honor of serving at Southbrook Church as Life Groups Pastor.

  It's not been a typical 3 years, nope it's been some of the most challenging time I have ever had in full time ministry. I got to thinking, is there any time in any one's life that is "typical" anymore?  Would it be a good idea to presume that life is never quite normal and that arriving there is more the exception than the rule?  I think so.  So maybe a better thing to do is determine how we are going to respond, and what we are going to learn, and how these challenges are going to make us better and those around us. "Do you not know that in a race all runners run, but only one receives the prize?  So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things." I Cor. 9:24.

    We are measured most accurately under pressure.  What gets squeezed out is most us.  Like it or not.  Sports and more specifically the discipline of wrestling taught me so much. Daily disciplines of how much to eat, what to eat, when I could, showing up at practice, the importance of practicing against guys who were better than I was rather than sparring against guys I knew I could beat. Then there was keeping up with my studies on top of not eating, competing at a high level while not eating,etc. I would like to think I always passed the test. I did not. Sometimes I just didn't have it in me. I would give in and eat. When I would get hurt, but not enough to stop me from practicing, I took a little more time off than the injury warranted. I had some proud moments and not so proud ones. But one thing is for certain - I couldn't fake it.  Everyday in practice or out there on a mat it was just me and my opponent. I would be found out, good or bad. 

 It's also mostly true in life. You might be able to fake others out but why short-change yourself and have to face regret? Use the hard times and tests to find out what you are made of. You are better than you think you are. I dare you to see for yourself.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Who is Holding Up Your Arms?

In the Book of Exodus17:8-16 there is this story of Moses as he is being led by God. He is in charge of getting 1 1/2 million people from Egypt to Israel, on foot, through a desert. Not an easy thing no matter what time in history. These were God's chosen people (disobedient and entitled as they were), and God was with Moses, so they traveled on. 

  As they were traveling, they were attacked by the Amalekites, Moses had chosen Joshua to take men and fight in hand to hand combat, but behind the scenes, God had instructed Moses to hold up his staff for victory, (the very one God did miracles through previously). The problem was that Moses got tired, and when his arms grew tired from holding the staff high in the air, Joshua was losing the battle. When the staff was high, they were winning. WHAT TO DO? Aaron and Hur, Moses' assistants simply stood next to Moses and so anytime his arm started to drop they lifted it up and eventually the battle was theirs. They won because God was with them and because Moses had support. 

 WHAT ABOUT US? What do you do when life is hard, endurance is difficult and surviving seems impossible? You get support that's what you do. You find an "Aaron and a Hur". Do you have faithful/loyal people in your life who will stand with you during really difficult days/trials? Everyone, and I mean everyone needs them. HOW DO YOU FIND THEM? Great question...simple answer. You become one for others you truly care about!! Jump in when needed, don't wait to be asked, and be close enough to someone to know when they are struggling and need your help. Life will become so much more worth living when done together in deep ways.