Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Beach Balls and What's Under the Surface

When I was a kid my Dad got us an above ground circular swimming pool.  Come Spring he cleaned it, got the necessary chemicals,plugged in the filter, and as soon as it was warm enough, we enjoyed the refreshment and laughter all summer long. One of the games we played was taking big colorful beach balls and push them below the water surface and try to hold them down or tried to sit on them. The problem was, beach balls are round and not easy to control under the surface.  Air is so much lighter than water and air was continually and strongly forcing the ball up above the surface.  It was fun trying to keep the ball below the surface, all the while the ball was trying hard to get up above the surface.

We can be like that can't we?  There are just things in our private lives that we really don't want people to see, so we force them below the surface in hopes that no one can.  That's a problem!!! Because sooner or later that problem is going to explode above and people will know and it will make a scene.  Wouldn't it be so much better if we all could practice bringing in a few trusted friends in, people who are safe, love us, care for us and know we have stuff and they love us enough to not let us stay stuck?  The truth is they have had and will have their stuff too..

  So, rather then becoming a statistic, how about we take the plunge, dive in and ask a few safe, trusted and wise people into our lives, marriage and spiritual life, and ask for their help while we are still in it instead of trying hard to make sure no one sees it? How about becoming that for a few people ourselves if we are in a good place presently.  No one, and I mean no one has their life, spiritual life, marriage, parenting together.  We need God, we need His word, we need His Holy Spirit AND we need others who know us best, love us most and are willing to speak the truth in love to us. And we need them to be in our corner when the pressures in our lives if left un-checked will explode in a mess for all to see.

"Shame Kills" is a message I heard about 10 years ago. When there are times we can't make it on our own, we somehow swallow our pride and try figuring out ways we can make it work without "bothering" others,, shame kills.  When we hope we will turn things around but don't bring people in to speak into it, shame kills. When our marriage is hurtful and not helpful and we don't ask for the wisdom, prayers and support of others, well shame kills.  When we can't seem to win the battle over a sin that so easily entangles us and we are too ashamed of opening up to a spiritual mentor, but later on we get "found out", shame kills.....  Let's be people who carefully let the ball up and out for those close to us to see instead of trying hard to keep it below where no one can..

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up." Ecclesiastes 4:9-10