Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Great Spiritual Trio

I am not just talking about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When the combination of God's word (the Bible), the Power of the Holy Spirit (who leads us into truth, convicts of sin etc.) and our own open/teachable hearts intersect, amazing things happen! Life changing and world impacting! Seriously, it is an amazing trio! One without the other is still amazing and great, but if you are not open and teachable than God's word and the Holy Spirit will not always do what they fully meant to do in your life. If you are open and teachable, but you are not interacting with God's word, than it's still not enough. You get the point! Or do you?
Many people who are born again do not take their next steps and it becomes a bit of a loss because they do not become all that God desires, and other people are not effected by the fruit of the changed life either. I think it's one of the reasons so many Christians get stuck. Is that you? I want to encourage you not to give up. You probably know of some other Christian who has had the kind of relationship with God that you long for yourself. If you looked at some of the reasons why this is true, I think you would see that they read Gods's word consistently, they allow the Holy Spirit to do whatever He wants, and they are open and teachable to keep growing and living in a way that fulfills them and points others to God.
Find that person you know who has a fulfilling walk with God, approach them and ask them to help you get into the Bible more, guide you to a better relationship with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and ask God to help you be open and teachable. Before you know it, you will be one of those people being sought out to help others out of their stuck place.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Got A Second, Make A Choice

Everyday we have choices to make, lots of them. Maybe too many choices! Growing up in a small town we had 2 grocery stores, 2 Gas Stations, 5 TV Channels and 5 Churches. Choices were limited, and our minds were not inundated with constant thinking through which things to choose, and not too much about the consequences.

Today, there are so many choices, from a million products in grocery stores, 500 TV Stations 24 hours a day, more churches than you can shake a stick at. With so many choices we just get stressed out by them. At McDonald's there was a hamburger, a cheeseburger, coke or orange, and Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry Shakes. Not today!

People do the same with God. Many follow Him only when there is a crisis, at holidays, when someone dies, or when it's popular, which it isn't too much anymore. But God chose us while we were sinners, enemies of the Cross, He created us, saved us,

loves us, is crazy about us, empowers us, surrounds us, lives in us, is for us, never leaves nor forsakes us. He even sings over us, has a special new name and body for us, gifts us to serve and proclaim Him and even lets us represent Him. I just have a quick question, why would you not choose Him?

Friday, September 7, 2012

Foundations are tricky things, I am no construction or engineering guy, but I have heard wild stories of houses, buildings and roads where the foundations weren't solid and it meant disaster. Billions of dollars of worth of destruction happened because of poor planning/research, or acts of nature.

Our lives need foundations because disasters will happen. These disasters may not even be our fault, but something may go wrong because of either poor planning or a natural disaster. We will need a strong foundation in order to survive and thrive. Take some time to think about what you are building your life on that is strong enough to count on. Most people will say family, friends, health and traditions. Those are good, but let's face it, family and friends are NOT 100% reliable. People die, get sick, move away or there is a disagreement that divides.

Those of you reading this know me well enough, (I think) to know that I have built my foundation on God and the Bible. They have stood the test of time and truth! The truths found in them have sustained people for thousands of years. I admit there is controversy in some parts of the Bible regarding slavery, religious wars and the mistreatment of people. People are flawed and that's why we need God. People come and go, philosophy's become out-dated, historic buildings and even modern ones that supposedly are indestructible have fallen! Building your life on top of God and His truth will be the best thing you can do.

I close with John 14:6, Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one can come to the Father (get to Heaven) except through me". You don't have to crumble when disaster comes, God is for you, He will never leave you, He is faithful! People and organizations will let you down. There are many wrong things said about God, the Bible and the church all under the subject of "organized religion", but part of the reason Jesus came was to get rid of religion and have people live in freedom and love. A local church is full of people who are in process, but as God takes over our lives people will see a difference. A life filled with love, forgiveness, generosity, unity, and crosses barriers that prove God is a foundation worth building upon.