Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pastor in Disguise

As most of you know I was in full time ministry as an Associate Pastor for 25 years, I was also a College Head Coach, and a High School Coach, but really I have been a Pastor most of my adult life. These last few years I have been working in the Optical Field to put food on the table. I have learned ,and it has been a great place to be light and salt way outside the walls of a local church. Most first time patients I help have no idea I have been in ministry, though through these 3 years I have many repeat patients, and there have been many wonderful conversations regarding spiritual matters. I have even preached at a local church through some patients of mine who are Elders at their church and invited me to preach. This was a very cool experience. Last week one of my patients (I think a very wealthy one as he had a driver/attendant) came into the store and wanted me to fill a couple prescriptions, as we conversed he looked at me and said, "you are so spiritual, you are like an Pastor in disguise"... It was to me a wonderful compliment in so many ways.
Truly I can't wait to get back into full time ministry (my calling from God) but what a cool thing for a stranger to pick up on what God has called me to be and sees in me!