Thursday, April 30, 2009


Last week I had the opportunity of helping a new believer learn the simple basic truths about being a follower of God. It was so refreshing because it brought me back to the simplicity of it all. Then this past Sunday I taught twice, first in the morning at Christ Felllowship in a Life Study called "Identity in Christ", the other was at a Faith Holy Temple Church. Let's just say I was the only brother of the other color! Both were just way cool! Because God was obviously there and I am so glad I got to be a part of what was simple. The truth and pure worship.
There is much to take in when it comes to God's word, but when it all comes down to it we know that God created us for relationship. In order for it to be perfect love God would not MAKE us love Him, He gave us choice! John 3:16 is simple - (Kevin's interpretation here)

"But God so loved the world that He GAVE His one and only Son that whoever believes that God loves us that much, and accepts the free gift of forgiveness through Jesus Christ will not end up seperated from God for eternity but instead will have full intimate relationship in perfected bodies, with no tears, pain with new bodies without suffering but instead passionate worship and extragantly wonderful relationship with Him and everyone who chose God while here on earth!

In the Identity in Christ study on Sunday it came down to this, who we are gets completely changed when we choose relationship with God and begin seeing ourselves as God does. We are so valuable! Do you know who you are? I am not my job, that is what I do but I am, and forever will be a child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! I am not my own, God paid the price and redeemed me, bought me with an expensive price (His Son). I must be valuable if God was willing and wanting to do that. And He wants EVERYONE to experience this truth as well.

Onto the Sunday night service at the Faith Holy Temple Church. I love that people can worship God in so many different ways! No way is the right way except that we worship Him in Spirit and truth. My church is huge (25,000), the church I preached in had 50 people. There was no light director, no sound checks,instead children became the spontaneous choir, singing and shouting to and for the God of the Universe! There was no production (well the kids did sway back and forth in a way I would only look foolish doing, they prayed, took an offering and greeted one another with sincere hearts and then I preached out of II Peter 1.

"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and Godliness through our knowledge of Him."

What a God! God's love and plan for us is simple! It's not 25 things you must's "love God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind and love your neighbor as you want to be loved by others." Simple isn't it?